That's My Story...

We might imagine writing as an entirely solitary act, requiring copious alone time. But maybe it can be a communal experience as well. Individual creativity, spurred on by the support of others. Self-expression blending into a sort of cathartic collective.
It would explain why dozens of people joined The Public’s Radio and the Newport Art Museum for a virtual night of writing and storytelling this January.
With our writing coach for the evening, Eve Kerrigan, we worked through prompts inspired by art on display in the museum.

You’ll find some of those pieces below, along with the art we saw and some of Eve’s encouraging words. Click on an author's name to read their poem, letter, or prose.
Or you can sit back and listen to the half-hour radio special we created, by clicking the play button below. We hope you enjoy.
What do the things we surround ourselves say about who we are, and what we care about?
Below are two quilts from the Newport Art Museum collection: one created in the 1800s, the other, a modern response. The Palmer quilt was likely a family project, made with scraps of material from a variety of places.
Eve encouraged participants to jot down some of the objects that tell their stories, and the stories of loved ones, then write about one of those objects.
“I think of these things as artifacts of a life,” - Eve Kerrigan
Click on a name to read their piece.


What brings people together? It has been some time since we’ve been able to gather in what appears to be a casual, non-socially distanced manner, as in the piece by the artist Bob Dilworth.
It raises so many questions. As does the colorful, abstract response piece by Cecily Carew. The writers imagined the scenes, conversations, or ideas behind these pieces.
“It has such vitality and also emotion to it, that I found it instantly fascinating. I want to know the story of those people.” - Eve Kerrigan
Click on a name to read the imagined scene.
So much has happened over the last year. What would we say to ourselves a year ago? That was the the genesis for this prompt:
“We are in the midst of a changing season, aren't we?
I want you to reflect for a moment and I want you to write a letter to yourself on New Year's Day, last year.
You probably had a lot of thoughts and a lot of ambitions and maybe some resolutions and maybe some ideas about how this year was gonna go for you. And then things changed."
- Eve Kerrigan.
Click on a name to read their letter.
A big thanks to Eve Kerrigan, Cristin Searles Bilodeau, Sally Eisele, Norah Diedrich, and all the folks at the Newport Art Museum.
Music used in the program was recorded by the Newport String Project and the Blue Dot Sessions.
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