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Community Essays
Community Essays
Osiris Grafals
"The Dreamer Through the Nightmare"
Ramonita Cuba Almonte
"The Healing Journey"
Xuan Huynh
"One Step"
Karla Vallejos
"Memories of Abuelita"
Shuk Chun Yiu
"A New Life"
Maria Grzybacz
"Giving Birth In Poland"
Young Bae
"Learning U.S. History"
Dr. Michael Fine
"White Peaches"
Ogalis Hernandez
"A Vision of the Future"
Susan Mills
"Immigration: Nothing is as it Seems"
Beatriz B.
"What Moving to the U.S. Has Taught Me"
Elvin Quero
"One Year in the U.S."
Charles “Chachi” Carvahlo
"This One’s For Pops!"
Sophia Ahn
"My Parents Call Me a Banana"
Liubov Corsi
"Love Ukraine"
Cindy Sebrell
"King Phillip"
Dr. Michael Fine
"Remembering Those We Have Lost"
Jon Lavieri
"The Fierce Thing"
Sean O’Connor
"Returning Home"
Artem Agvanian
"Ukraine: Where do we go from here?"
Marcy Reyes
"Financial Literacy for All"
Marcia Cardoso
"My Extraordinary Life: Growing up in Pawtucket"
Marissa Gallerani
"The Seekonk River Bridge"
Amy Dunkle
"The Silence of Suicide"
Richard Lawrence
"A Birthday Promise to My Mother"
David Torres
"Growing up in Smith Hill"
Ruth Machie
"The Dream"
Eve Kerrigan
"What’s Real?"
Selahattin Sep
"Being a Kurd is the Hardest Job in the World"
Mohammed Fallahiya
"Life Stopped in Evin Prison"
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